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How to Start Mining Cryptocurrencies

You have definitely heard about mining and you know what that means, but if we say crypto mining, you might not understand it. If that is the case, then you are in the right place to find out what crypto mining is. We have specially made this article about mining cryptocurrencies, we have all the information that you will need to start your own mining rig. So, if you are interested in investing in crypto mining, we suggest you read this article very carefully because there will be some professional tips and tricks that will definitely help you succeed. Let’s start by explaining what crypto mining is to people that don’t know, it is a way you can earn cryptocurrencies and all you really have to do is put together a machine.

post8bThese machines are called rigs and they consist of various computer parts, in case you want to mine Ethereum, you will need some powerful graphics cards, a motherboard that can host more GPU’s at once, PSU, processor, RAM, and SSD. Basically, what this rig is a computer with more graphics cards. Most miners use from 6 to 8 cards on one rig. Depending on what you want to mine, your profit can be different, but lately, Ethereum was the most profitable option.

Invest in a Rig

Now that you know what crypto mining is and how it works, you are ready for the next step and that is investing into a mining rig. The great part about this is that even if everything fails and cryptocurrencies disappear, you will be left with all those computer parts that you can sell. Therefore, the risk that you are taking is very low because you can get most of your money back just by selling the equipment. If you decide to invest directly into cryptocurrency, you cannot get the invested money back if something fails. That’s why this might seem like a much smarter investment idea. Furthermore, it is better than regular investments because it allows you to constantly gain profit.  once you rig starts mining, you never shut it down, it should be working 24/7 this way you are earning money while doing nothing. post8aOf course, depending on what kind or how much rigs you have, your profit will be different. Overall, we had only positive feedback from veteran miners because they are doing this for a long time and they didn’t regret it.

Creating a Wallet

Other than buying all the hardware for mining, you will have to create a certain account on websites that allow you to store that money on. These websites are essentially internet wallets that will keep your cryptocurrencies in a very safe place. You can look at them as PayPal. You want to do your research about the wallet that you are going to choose because making a bad decision can cost you a lot of money. You want to find a wallet that is very reliable and offers high security. Mostly these wallets are not free, but that monthly fee is worth paying because you get extra safety measures.