
2007 Amsterdam Conference

This website is dedicated to one of the largest cryptocurrency conferences in the world. If you are a crypto investor yourself, then you will find some very interesting topics here. At our conference we pride ourselves on supplying groundbreaking information in the cryptocurrency industry. For many years we have shown safe how to guides when looking to buy cryptocurrency as well as which currencies are looking to be on top. If you are interested in the industry and the future of currency then we highly recommend attending.

What is our Main Goal

Our main goal is very simple, we are gathering people with the same interests who want to share their personal experience and ideas about cryptocurrencies. We have created this conference to bring those people closer together and provide them with the option to talk about cryptocurrencies because we know how small this community is.



Payments are a quite important part when dealing with cryptocurrencies because people want to have places where they can just as easily pay with their cryptocurrencies as with real money. It is a great subject that always brings out new ideas.

Data Security


Data Security is definitely the most important part for every cryptocurrency investor or miner because all of the money is stored in specialized wallets. As you might know, the internet is not the safest place on the planet to store large amounts of money.



Problems are always present and during these conferences, people get the chance to talk about the main problems that are affecting these cryptocurrencies. Talking about them might spark an idea that will change or eliminate that problem, that’s why this is one of the subjects.



Changes are simply necessary if you want to succeed at something, you cannot refuse change in your life because then you will get stuck, but you don’t want to make bad changes. That’s why during the conference, people will have the option to give out some ideas that can change the future.

Conference Speakers


Mark Hill is one of the first speakers that you will have the chance to see and hear during this cryptocurrency conference, and he will be going through the introduction part and warming up the listeners with some topics that you are most likely familiar with.

Steven Jefferson will be the second speaker and he will take over by talking about some of the main and largest problems and issues that cryptocurrency investors have to face on a daily basis. He will be revealing some of the easy ways to avoid some problems.


Peter Davis is one of the speakers who have the most amount of experience in cryptocurrencies, he has been investing in them from the beginning and he will be sharing some of his personal experiences to allow you to learn from his mistakes.

Thomas Allen is kinda our main speaker and he will be covering most of the subjects connected to cryptocurrencies as well as mining. So, if you are there to hear about some changes, data security or payment options, then he is the guy you want to watch.


Frequently ​Asked Questions

Is it Worth Investing in Cryptocurrencies?

What Cryptocurrency to invest into?

How to Pay with Cryptocurrencies?

How Much Money to Invest?

Read Our Blog​

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